Shed antler and horn hunting remains closed until May 1

Green River office managers Sheila Deinhardt  and Jackie Watson want to remind you about the annual shed antler and horn gathering closure which covers much of southern and western Wyoming.  The closure is in effect annually in order to protect big game animals on their winter ranges.  

A Wyoming Game and Fish Commission regulation prohibits anyone from collecting shed antlers or horns on public lands west of the Continental Divide, excluding the Great Divide Basin and some land west of Laramie, from Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. May 1 of each year. A map of the closure area is available online and the boundaries are detailed within the regulation.

To report shed antler or horn collection violations call the STOP Poaching Hotline at 1-877-943-3847 (1-877-WGFD-TIP) or text keyword WGFD and message to TIP411 (847-411). Violations may also be reported online at the Game and Fish website.

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