Become a Hunter Education Instructor

If you are interested in improving safe and ethical sportsmanship in the field and furthering the education of responsible wildlife conservation, we need Hunter Education Instructors. 

Hunter Education is a legal certification, and to teach Hunter Education in Wyoming, you must be a certified instructor. Scroll down to find out what is involved with becoming an instructor.

Are you interested in having Hunter Education in your school instead? Learn how to incorporate Hunter Education into your classroom.


Hunter education in schools


Expectations for volunteer instructors

Instructor responsibilities

  • Teach as a team of 2 or more instructors.
  • Reserve the venue for all dates of the class.
  • Set up and manage class registration through the Game and Fish Event Manager website.
  • Create the course schedule and coordinate teaching with other instructors.
  • Teach required lessons for the course to all ages.
  • Administer firearm handling practical.
  • Administer a 50-question test.
  • Coordinate and execute logistics for a range day, if desired.
  • Manage roster, and report final grades and scores for legal certifications.

Assistant instructor responsibilities

  • Help with venue logistics.
  • Help manage class registration through the Game and Fish Event Manager website.
  • Help with a classroom set up and clean up.
  • Help administer the firearm handling practical.
  • Help administer and grade the final exam.
  • Help submit final course report for legal records.


Time commitment

Instructors teach or assist with at least one 12-18 hour course every two years. They also attend occasional meetings or training workshops hosted by Game and Fish Hunter Ed Program.

Benefits of Volunteering as an Instructor

Positively influence the members of your community while passing on Wyoming’s hunting heritage.

Mentor new hunters about firearm safety, responsibility, respect and ethics.

FREE Subscription to Wyoming Wildlife magazine.

Earn awards based on hours and years of service volunteering.

Qualify for discount programs for merchandise through multiple retail companies.


Must be 14-17 years old for Junior Instructors.

Have experience in the use of firearms, hunting and outdoor skills.

Have a valid Hunter Education card (from WY or another state).

Must complete all applications and pass all background checks.

Must be at least 18 years old for all other Volunteer Instructors.

Must have an email address and access to a computer.

How to get certified as a hunter education instructor

Step 1

Complete the Hunter Education Instructor application. This involves creating a profile on the volunteer system, and then volunteering be an instructor. You will be prompted to upload a completed instructor application as well as a copy of your hunter education certification.

Step 2

Complete and pass a federal criminal background check at no cost to you through a secure online form. Once the Hunter Education Coordinator receives the Application Packet, a secure link for the background check will be emailed to you. A wildlife violation background check will also be completed.

Step 3


Assistant instructors

If the applicant passes all background checks, the training assistant instructors must complete the Policy and Protocol training with Game and Fish Hunter Education Coordinator.
Assistant Instructors are certified to help in hunter education classrooms at this point.


Hunter/Bowhunter education instructors

If the applicant passes all background checks, the training instructor must complete the policy, protocol and curriculum training at a Hunter Education Workshop.


2025 New instructor workshops:

  • Thayne, February 20th - 22nd
  • Casper, April 17th - 19th
  • Cheyenne, June 19th - 21st


Travel may be required. Compensation will be provided for lodging or vehicle mileage.



2025 Instructor Workshop Registration


Tentative training schedule

Step 4


Participate in at least one full hunter education class with an approved mentor instructor.

  • Learn to submit paperwork for hunter education classes.
  • Lead at least one unit, completing a lesson plan and activity for the unit.
  • Mentoring instructors will complete and submit an evaluation of the trainee instructor.
  • Additional training is required to be certified to lead an Internet Completion Course.