Wyoming hunt Planner
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About Sandhill Crane Hunting in Wyoming
Limited Quota and General
Within Wyoming we have two populations of cranes that occupy the state at different points during the year. The population that breeds and migrates through the state, and the one most commonly seen is the Rocky Mountain Population. This population is composed solely of greater sandhill cranes. This population breeds throughout much of the central and western portions of the state. The management goal is to maintain the population between 17,000-21,000 birds. This population is managed solely under limited quota permits.
The other population that only migrates through the state is the Mid-Continent Population. This population is composed primarily of lesser sandhill cranes. This population is considerably larger with a management goal of 349,000-472,000. This population is managed under general permits. The Mid-Continent Population normally migrates quickly through the state in mid-October.