Jackson area Sage-Grouse Working Group to meet

The Upper Snake River Basin Sage Grouse Working Group will hold its next meeting at 1:00 pm, Monday, January 22, at the Wyoming Game and Fish Department office in Jackson.


Topics to be discussed at the meeting include:


  1. Review current projects and plan for next year's funding
  2. Plan the winter sage-grouse ground count
  3. Discuss adjustment to the local working group boundary


The public is welcome to attend the meeting, however, there will be no virtual option. Contact Morgan Graham at 307-733-2110 for additional information.


The group is one of eight regional working groups statewide. Each is composed of citizens representing groups interested in sage-grouse conservation. The group develops and initiates conservation plans to benefit sage-grouse and, when feasible, other species that use sagebrush habitats. Learn more about sage-grouse, the regional working groups, and their management plans at:  https://live-wgfd.pantheonsite.io/wyoming-wildlife/sage-grouse-management


Wyoming Game and Fish supports the Americans with Disabilities Act. Anyone needing auxiliary aids to attend this meeting should call 800-423-4113. Every effort will be made for reasonable accommodation.


Mark Gocke
Public Information Specialist

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