The Wind River/Sweetwater River Sage-Grouse Working Group will discuss project funding allocation at its April 8 meeting, beginning at 1 p.m. in the Game and Fish Lander Regional Office conference room at 260 Buena Vista Drive.
The Wind River/Sweetwater River Sage-Grouse Local Working Group is one of eight local working groups statewide. Each is composed of citizens representing various stakeholder groups interested in sage grouse conservation and associated land management issues.
To find more information about Wyoming's Local Sage Grouse Working Groups and to view meeting details visit the sage grouse working group webpage or contact Wildlife Biologist Stan Harter at 307-332-2688.
All interested public are encouraged to attend. Game and Fish supports the Americans with Disabilities Act. Anyone needing auxiliary aids to attend this meeting should call (307) 332-2688. Every effort will be made for reasonable accommodations.